Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Inform. Michael Burch
Email: michael.burch@visus.uni-stuttgart.de

VISUS - Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme - Stuttgart


Visual Task Solution Strategies in Tree Diagrams

Paper pdf-Version (later)
Diatnces to points of interest

Distances to points of interest

In this work, we apply the visual analytics methodology proposed at VAST in 2012 to the recorded eye tracking data already recorded for the previous eye tracking study that we presented at InfoVis in 2011. By the novel approach we could discover many more insights in the large amount of trajectory data, i.e. we could derive visual task solution strategies.

If you are interested in this work please let me know.

The raw eye tracking data is publicly available in case you want to play around with that by yourself with your own tool. It can be found here:

Raw Eye Tracking Data
You can use the data in your publication but in case you will do this, please put a reference to the original eye tracking paper presented at VisWeek in 2011:
Evaluation of traditional, orthogonal, and radial tree diagrams by an eye tracking study. Burch et al., 2011